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Rakiura Challenge Entry Information







The Rakiura Challenge Trail Run will take place on 4 October 2025 in the Rakiura National Park Stewart Island. The Department of Conservation (DOC) has granted concession for 250 runners to compete in the run.

The standard registration fee is $320, and this covers two meals and prize giving ticket, event t-shirt, sponsorship product, discounted rates for Stewart Island Flights and RealNZ Ferry fares, transport to the start line.
Entries are only accepted online.

A supporter can also register online and pay a fee of $120. There is also a child supporter ticket available for $80 for those under the age of 15 years (at the time of the event). This fee includes the Friday/Saturday night meals with all runners, prize giving ticket and transport to and from the start line to support your runner.

Once a competitor/supporter has entered and paid, a confirmation email will be sent confirming your place in the race.

No registration will be accepted after 18 September 2025.





Should registrations fill up a waiting list will be generated should cancellations accrue – please email  and organisers will inform the next person on the waiting list of their availability to join the race.


A refund of 50% of the entry fee paid will be made if you advise race organisers of your withdrawal from the event before 1 September 2024.
After that date, the entry fee is not refundable.


The following waiver will be applied to this event.

I/We accept all conditions of entry, while recognising and agreeing that trail running, and walking are inherently risky and physically challenging undertakings. I/We attest to having read all information supplied in the entry form of website, and enter this event knowing the risks and demands involved.

Therefore I/We take all responsibility for my/our fitness, experience, actions, and occurrences during this event. As such I/We, my family, heirs, and executors of any estate discharge the event organisers, sponsors and all other persons involved in this event of and liability, claims or damages relating to personal injury, loss, or damage of equipment, or and matter arising from the event. I understand that if extreme weather or other “acts of god”, force changes, postponement, or cancellation of the event, that the entry fee is non-refundable. I authorise my name, voice, and picture to be used, without payment, in any capacity relating to the event.


Stewart Island Flights and Stewart Island Ferries are providing a discounted rate to Rakiura Challenge competitors and registered supporters.

To take advantage of these deals please contact the operators directly. Mention that you have been successful in gaining registration for the Run and quote your registration number.

Stewart Island Flights – phone 03 218 9129
Stewart Island Ferries – phone 0800 656501